Teachers offer their words to the Class of 2020

From Villainy to Frozen Yogurt and From the Lion King to Green Grass, the Teachers of Holy Family send the Class of 2020 on their way

Teachers offer their words to the Class of 2020

Brooke Lovato (Class of 2020), Staff Writer

Dear Class of 2020,

In our past four years at Holy Family, we have not only made strong relationships with our peers but also with our teachers.  I know from personal experience, creating some of these relationships has been one of my favorite things about attending Holy family.

We look up to them not just because they teach us math, or history, or english, but because they are extraordinary people who inspire us and encourage us to do our best.  As we prepare to take the next step into our lives, I have asked some teachers to give me their best advice and words of encouragement for the class of 2020.

From Mr. Willden

To the graduating Class of 2020:

One of your classmates asked me to impart some words of advice to you as you depart our halls and enter into your new lives as college students and members of military service, and the workforce.

I do not have a lot of advice to give. You have lived through so much already.

I started working at Holy Family in 2016, the same year you all were entering as first-year students. I remember starting school with excitement and some trepidation. It is hard to start something new. I got to know many of you that first year, and was amazed by your zeal for life, positive attitudes, and candor. And you have grown so much since that first day in August.

Of course, you have been excellent students. Your contribution to the classroom will no doubt send many of you to the finest institutions in the country. You are off to show the world what great things you will do. When I was a student, I had a teacher named Joe Domko, who always would point to his classes and say “You, you are the ones who will make this world a better place.” I did not know what he meant until I met your class. To echo his sentiments, I know that you will be part of medical teams, legal professionals, clergy, teachers, and service professionals that will change our world for good. We as faculty are so proud of you and things you will do, the art that you will create, the discoveries that wait for you as you move on to the next chapter of your lives.

I’ve watched you participate in sports, perform on stage, and lend your voice to the speech and debate team. Your class has contributed league championships, state titles, and perhaps some of the best theatre projects this school has ever seen. Your contribution to the instrumental and choral music knows no bounds. You folks are truly amazing, and I have been honored to see you hone your skills.

You have seen the school through its most dramatic changes since 1999. Expanded athletic and strength facilities, updates science and technology classrooms, and larger footprint for the performing arts. This transition has not been easy. You had to sacrifice lunches in cafeterias. You saw parts of the school close for renovation. Growing sometimes includes growing pains. But you didn’t let it affect your positivity or your hope. You were strong during a time where things got a bit uncomfortable. You sacrificed your experience so that the generations of Holy Family students will have top notch high school experience.

And now, our entire school community, nay our entire world community, is faced with the problem of COVID-19. It has completely upended how we do school. Your courses are online. Many of you haven’t physically seen your friends and teachers for weeks. It is hard. It has displaced us. Hallmarks of your high school careers have been put on hold. Sport Contests, State Tournaments, and performances, once thought of as necessary components of the high school experience are now shrouded in uncertainty. And as much as #werareinthistogether might make a nice instagram post, we feel disconnected from what our lives once were, and what they are now.

So my advice? Look back and see that you are ready. You have prepared well academically, physically, and spiritually for curveballs that life will throw at you. Life has displaced you. But you are strong. When you leave our halls, know that your experience has developed you into a person who can take on a challenge with grace, poise, and heroism. You are ready for that next step in your future, whether or not we see you walk across the stage in May. Know that the faculty and staff go with you as you prepare for your next amazing journey in life. Personally, I feel that your graduation means I graduate a little as well. We all started at the same time! I will remember you fondly as my first class. A special place in my cold, black heart.

“What tho’ the odds be great or be small, your Tiger Class has won overall.”

“For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39.

We love you, Class of 2020.

From Mrs. Schneider

Make the most of every day going forward. This time in your life will speed by so appreciate and enjoy your time with your family and friends.  Work hard but not so hard that you forget what is important in life. Make time everyday to give thanks for what you have. Laugh often- I mean tears down your face, can’t catch your breath laughter.

From Mr. Comeaux 

My only advice is to make college a time of discovery.  Discover what you’re passionate about, pursue your career dreams, and, most importantly, discover who you really are!

Finally, make it the best four years of your life.  I can’t remember a better four years than when I was a sophomore in college.  Hahaha….I humor myself, Brooke!

From Mrs. Storgaard

I would say to be open to change!  God’s plans for us are often very different than the ones we have for ourselves, no matter how hard we try to direct our own lives in one way or another.  Sometimes this change will involve suffering because we have to let go of what we thought we wanted, so don’t be afraid of these struggles, but let them redirect you to better things!  Let God take you where you didn’t know you could go…He only wants your happiness, so if he wants it for you, you should want it for yourself as well!

From Mrs. Remington

Do not be afraid to share your faith – be a light for Christ on your campus! Always remember that you don’t have to have it all figured out right out of the gate. God has lovingly created each one of you with specific abilities and talents. Take your time to figure out what those are and enjoy the ride because God will be with you the whole way!

From Mr. Blair

Believe in yourselves.  Try different things.  Get to know different kinds of people.  Give your best at everything you attempt.  Always know that you are special and loved.  Take failures as a learning experience and move on to great things.

From Mr. Bishop

Seniors, I wish you all the best.

Keep smiling and keep your heads held high.

The adversities in your senior year  will make you better people, and GREAT leaders.


From Mr. Yeazell

  1.   Enjoy your family this summer.  You will miss them when you go away to school.
  2.   Choose new friends wisely.  They will have the greatest impact on the choices that you make in college.
  3.   Get involved.  Meet as many new people as you can.  Join clubs, teams, and organizations that peak your interest.
  4.   Don’t eat frozen yogurt for every meal.  (I did this.  It was delicious but has its consequences.)
  5.   Get Sleep.  Staying awake in an attempt to cram for an exam only leads to one thing….. more frozen yogurt.
  6.   Keep praying.  Your prayer life will bring your peace when your college life seems a bit too much.

From Mr. Good

1)      Don’t forget who you  are!  You are the Children of the KING!  When we lose that identity …. That’s when we get into trouble. Remember who you are!!  ( That’s actually Mufasa  talking to Simba … J)

2)      Your first job doesn’t have to be THE job … in fact it rarely is.  Just make the most out of every opportunity and the Lord will take you where He needs you!

3)      Buy good shoes and a good bed – because when you’re not in one, you’re in the other!

Love you guys!

From Mrs. Marck

Hi Seniors.  You have been dealt a bad hand for the end of your senior year.  Take this bad hand and use it as motivation to go out into the world and do wonderful things.  You are all strong and will be able to go far in life.  Remember that you are starting a new and exciting chapter in your life.  Participate in activities while in college, keep your faith strong, enjoy your life, and have fun!

From Mr. Greenmyer

  1. Be bold, be courageous about what you want in life, and be willing to stand for what is right even when you stand alone.
  2. You will hear and be told that “the grass is always greener on the other side.” This to me, is inaccurate. The grass will be green where you water it. In other words, where you choose to invest in yourself, you will find fulfillment, satisfaction, and profound joy.
  3. Embrace the challenges in life. Use them as a way to grow in virtue and character.
  4. Be thankful for all that you are and all that you have. Find moments to stop and embrace the way God has blessed you.