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Holy Family Lamp Post

The Student News Site of Holy Family

Holy Family Lamp Post

Holy Family Lamp Post

2024-2025 Staff

Maria Lluna Alvarez
Staff Writer/Editor

Maria Lluna Alvarez

My name is Maria. I love baking and I have a huge family. I joined this class because Mr. Yunt's Journalism class was the highlight of my Freshman year. I also love writing stories.

Talia Satriano
Staff Writer

Talia Satriano

Hi I'm Talia and I chose newspaper because I liked Mr Yunts other class and I wanted to see how this one was!

Ella Franko
Staff Writer

Ella Franko

My name is Ella Franko and I do cross country and tennis. I chose this class because it sounds cool and Mr. Yunt seems like a fun teacher!

Staff Writer

Roman Elliott

I have chosen newspaper for the exposure to the sports world. I want to become someone involved in sports and this is a good stepping stone. And having the opportunity to learn from someone like Mr. Yunt is a privilege....

Joe Lucas

Joe Lucas

My name is Joe Lucas. I am on the Golf team and the Basketball team. Mr. Yunt convinced me to take this class and now I am ready to cook up some stories.

Mason Ochs
Staff Writer / Author

Mason Ochs

I am a dedicated Staff Writer and Author for the Holy Family Lamp Post Newspaper. I chose this role because the world of newspapers is super interesting to me and will be helpful towards my future career. Besides my passion for...

Gabby Brienza

Gabby Brienza

Hi my names is Gabby Brienza i'm 18 years old my birthday is in July I have two brother one who is 19 and one who is 14. i do golf for school and I've played snice i was 8. and I also do gymnastics for Arvada West this is my 3rd...

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Staff writer

Angelita Chaparro

I'm Angelita Chaparro I'm captain of the Varsity Poms team. I picked newspaper because Mr. Yunt is the best!!!