Holy Family Poms: The Road to Nationals

Marissa Gray, Staff Writer

This is the first year that Holy Family High School has ever had a dance team. The school has had cheer, but it has never had a squad for strictly dancers. Throughout the recent season, the new poms girls have made history many times. They have competed in several competitions and won time and time again. In early November, the poms girls became the 2022 NCAC League Champions. In December, the team was a 4A Pom State finalist at the Coliseum, ultimately finishing third. 

Leagues was an incredible competition for the Spirit Squad. Both teams, cheer and poms, won the first place overall award for their divisions. The poms girls dedication and hard work allowed them to hit a super clean and pretty routine to secure the win. 

Day in and day out, HF Poms is in practice. They wake up early to do full outs and go home late to make sure they are perfect. Every single member is determined to win and be the absolute best that they can possibly be. The team consistently gives up their late starts in order to always be competition ready. 

This weekend, the poms squad will compete in the Mustang Invitational at Ponderosa High School. This is their last competition before Nationals, and a chance to perform one last time before they hit the big stage. 

On January 31, Holy Family Poms is traveling to Orlando, Florida to compete in Nationals, the fiercest dance competition out there. Teams from all over the U.S. travel to Orlando in hopes of a national title. Although the competition is tough, I have no doubts about the HF girls’ ability to win it all. 

The squad has a send off in preparation for their battle, and they will stay in Orlando for the weekend. Poms has many fun activities planned after their competition, including Disney World. The students and the cheer squad wish them good luck!!