Halloween Around the World


Sam Weiss, Staff Writer

In the United States, Halloween conjures images of ghosts, haunted houses, costumes, and of course candy. Across the world, this holiday is celebrated and viewed differently.

In China, the Qingming festival, celebrated at the beginning of April, honors the deceased. Also known as Tomb Sweeping Day, Chinese people sweep and clean the graves of loved ones. In Chinese culture, Tomb Sweeping Day is understood to be one of the most respectful acts a family member can perform. 

In Ireland, where the holiday originated from, festivals take place all over the country. The biggest festival is the Púca festival which celebrates the folklore of the holiday, followed by Derry Halloween celebrations which honors ancient spirits.

In Japan, celebrating Halloween is becoming more common. Because there are a number of holidays in Japan that honor the deceased, trick or treating is not popular. But, typically celebrators will dress up in costumes and attend local parties.

In Italy, Italians celebrate Ognissanti, also known as “all saints”. During this holiday they hold festivals that have deep religious traditions. In Sicily, well-behaved children receive gifts from deceased loved ones. Whereas in Sardinia, children go from door to door asking for offerings from the deceased. Romans will eat meals at gravesites of family members. Finally, people from Abruzzo and Trentino will place candles in pumpkins.

In England, on November 5th, everyone in the country will celebrate the failed assassination of King James I. Guy Fawkes, one of the masterminds behind this evil plot, attempted to kill the king with gunpowder. Now, citizens of England celebrate this holiday with bonfires across the country. Instead of trick or treating, children will go around asking for a penny “for the Guy”.

What makes this tradition-rich holiday so special, is that it is celebrated in a variety of ways. All the way from trick or treating to festivals, All Hallows’ Eve never goes unnoticed.