Summer Trips: HF Students traveling the World

Israel, Spain and Mexico are all on the docket


Dominic Neely, Staff Writer

The summer is almost here, and the students of Holy Family are getting antsy.

It’s obvious, if you walk through a classroom, you can see the far off look in students eyes. The groan when a teacher announces they’re gonna try to cram another chapter right before the finals and AP tests. The countdown on teacher’s boards showing how many days are left in the school year (the newspaper room has 6 more purple days!), and the want to be able to sleep in everyday and stay out on those warm summer nights. One thing most students are looking forward to are their summer trips.

Whether they’re seniors heading to college next year,  about to go on the trip of a lifetime with their family or just a regular old student excited to get away, lots of people are heading on trips.

For example, Morgan Salter is trying to complete his bucket list in one summer. He’s joining other Tigers and is heading to Europe in early June as apart of the school-wide trip. He’s also heading to Mexico and Costa Rica to catch some sun. Morgan is not the only kid heading out on a Europe exhibition. Mia Paulson, Luke Hixson, Kristi Torczynski, Blake Neece, and many more will also be heading across the pond, hitting England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic to name a few.

Other students are also heading out of the country, going to places such as Mexico, The Bahamas, Israel, and Peru to catch some sun on the beach. Some students are also heading to locations with their friends, such as Anthony Haberkorn or Pierce Kunz. The majority of people however will be staying in the country, with most heading to Florida or Hawaii to see family. Or, you could be like Sawyer Dana, who will be heading to Florida just to relax after some stressful final exams. Jessica Mason will be on that athletic grind, heading to not one, not two, but FOUR states to participate in golf tournaments. Brock Warner is heading to Vail and Maryland for lacrosse tournaments. Other students are heading summer camps, such as Leah Rudmann, who is going to the Geneva Glen summer camp-summer internship.

Whether you’ll be traveling across the world this summer, or the furthest you’ll be going is to Boulder, the school year is almost over. And whatever you do, have a great time!