All is Fair in Love… and Love?


Chinwe Onwere, Staff Writer/Editor

Alas, Valentine’s Day has made its lovely return once again. Although it originally started as a Feast for Saint Valentine, it has generally evolved to encompass the overall celebration of “love” for both friends and romantic interests. Chocolates, cards, teddy bears, and flowers are typical commodities both given and received, the second most popular day for giving cards being the day itself.

The commercialization of any holiday, particularly Valentines, has become more controversial during the past few years. Some enjoy shopping for others and looking at the assortment of hearts and candy that line the aisles of every store you go to. In fact, one student remarked: “I love Valentine’s Day. You get a card, flowers, and get to spend quality time with each other. The idea of celebrating love is such a cute and sweet idea!” Another person said, “I don’t hate it, but it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”

Others believe that the holiday has become too commercialized and has prioritized gifts rather than the actual sentiment of love, with around 32.6% of the 47 Holy Family students surveyed saying that the holiday is “most definitely” too money-oriented, a peer stating “I enjoy it but love does not need to be commercialized. It should just be daily common practice to celebrate love.” Some believe that it celebrates romantic love way more than that of friends and family. “I enjoy Valentine’s Day, but it is a little lonely when some of your friends have a valentine and you don’t, but it’s fun to hang out with your other single friends!”

The main premise that surrounds Valentine’s Day is making someone your “Valentine”, whether that be in a friendly or romantic manner. Cupid, a Roman god who strikes the hearts of people in order for them to have the power of love, is a typical symbol of Valentine’s. In the depiction of a chubby cherub, he is said to be the son of the love goddess Venus and the god Mars. Before and during Valentines, many people ask those they are interested in to go on a date, with 36% of the 47 students surveyed said that they had a Valentine. 36.4% of students responded that they might ask someone to the dance, while 9% said they definitely would.

Usual traditions of our Holy Family peers include eating an enormous amount of chocolate or having a homemade dinner with loved ones. In fact, one senior remarked that he is going to “Eat chocolate, that stuff bussin. Imma build Lego police station, that’ll go hard.” What is a more wonderful activity to celebrate love than placing plastic blocks together in the form of a police station? I cannot think of it. Unfortunately, not all students usually have a Happy Valentine’s, as one student remarked that they usually cry in the midst of this holiday. Same, student, same.

While the commercialization of Valentine’s Day can be quite annoying, perhaps the holiday can all teach us the importance of love during all times of the month.