Top 11 Celebrity Look-alikes From HF
October 25, 2021
While walking through the busy halls of Holy Family, every once in a while, one might see a familiar face of a student or faculty member that reminds them of a celebrity. Here’s some of the most recognizable celebrity look-alikes from HF.
1. Morgan Salter – John F. Kennedy Jr.
The similarities in nose and jaw line are very obvious between Salter and Kennedy Jr. They also have a very similar smile.
2. Patrick Staff – Bryce Hall
Patrick Staff and Bryce Hall are very similar in the hair, nose and neck.
3. Samantha Genzer – Amanda Bynes
Genzer and Bynes have very similar face shapes and noses.
4. Mr. Yunt – Ryan Reynolds
Do we really need to explain this one? They basically look like cousins.
5. Nathan Willden – Dan Stevens
Nathan Willden’s smile is very similar to Steven’s and they have similar face shapes.
6. Claire Galmish – Zoe Boyle
Galmish and Boyle are similar due to their facial structure and eye shape.
7. Dominic Neely – Prince Charming from Shrek
The hair, the jawline, Neely is basically a real life prince charming.
8. Mr. DeSantis – Andre the Giant from Princess Bride
It’s definitely the side burns that make Mr. Desantis resemble Andre the giant.
9. Luca InchingoloManz – Mark Zuckerberg
Inchingolo Manz looks exactly like Zuckerberg, except for the hair. Their eyes are extremely similar.
10. Mr. Bishop – Hulk Hogan
The visual similarities between Hulk Hogan and Mr. Bishop are very obvious, but the mustache is the cherry on top.
11. CJ O’Neill – Karl Jacobs
What makes Karl Jacobs and CJ O’Neil alike is the similar hair style.