The Fight to the Finishline

May 13, 2022
We have two weeks left of school including finals, and seniors have just finished their last week of high school. This year went by so fast I can’t even begin to explain it and I can’t imagine how the seniors are feeling about it. This year has been filled with many high and lows but it has all paid off.
This year has felt the most normal it’s been since my Freshmen year because of covid we weren’t allowed to have school functions like assembly’s, school dances, and even go support our sport teams. I’m glad that we got to change a lot from last year because even though covid is still around we got to experience things like prom that some Juniors or Seniors couldn’t because of covid. There was even a Color Day this year that we had on May crowning that I have never experienced but it was really fun and definitely something I wish covid wouldn’t have effected.
All that’s left of school is pretty much finals, the dreading thing no one wants to do. Even though it will be hard to keep going and find motivation just remember after finals week we can sleep in, go swimming, and just enjoy ourselves without having to worry about school. Saying I’m excited is an understatement because although this year has gone by fast it has also been a stressful year because of the workloads, ACT, and SAT I am ready for a long break without any work.
We’re almost to the finish line Tigers, just keep working hard because Summer break is right around the corner!!