The Most Terrifying Chapter of My Life…

February 9, 2022
I foresee a coming whirlwind.
What with the seniors graduating and the frantic scramble for volunteer hours, these last few months are going to be wild; especially when many of us are uncertain as to where we will take our next step. Most seniors, including myself, have established some semblance of a plan. As to if it will succeed is worthy of another column entirely. However, many of the younger classmen have yet to explore colleges, though they claim that they might attend something… somewhere; as to if that is true, again, is debatable. Nevertheless, college is in the forefront of everybody’s mind.
Upon asking many of my fellow seniors of their opinions on graduating soon, I got a wide array of results. The most notable, for certain, was “Why are me graduating?” I am not sure, comrade, why are me graduating?
However, many claimed that, “it’s about time”, and “it’s scary, but I can’t wait to leave”. The most concerning answer was, “How am i supposed to get 25 service hours done in 3 months literally nobody said anything about that until today.” I wholeheartedly understand this panic, since I am experiencing the same; I had been unaware of service hours until reading this response.
Nevertheless! college is a primary focus for many Holy Family students; out of nearly 50 respondents, %89 claim that they will be attending some form of higher education once out of high school. Also, what was surprising was that many students are hoping to not attend somewhere in-state. I received many answers claiming that they will attend somewhere in Arizona? That was, undeniably, the most surprising statistic.