Senior Art Showcase: Kaley Anderson
Mrs. Veretta has organized a senior spotlight art showcase and first up is Kaley Anderson.
February 24, 2022
Mrs. Veretta has organized a senior spotlight art showcase and first up is Kaley Anderson. Kaley’s artwork from both her time at Holy Family and before then is covering the hallway in front of the locker rooms.
The showcase includes short descriptions under each piece and a bio on Anderson as well.
Her favorite mediums are oil paints and more recently, photography, both of which make up some of her artwork in the showcase.
Anderson’s favorite piece at the moment is her ceiling tile project, that displays a Native American Sioux woman playing a game with plum seeds. She says that, “the original piece was done to show the importance of women in Sioux culture” and she, “thought that was really beautiful and the colors and everything express a lot of emotion.” The piece is accompanied by a beautiful sculpture of the Sioux woman from the image.
Anderson has been making art since she was very young and says that she enjoys is because, “it is really cool to show others the way that you see the world.”
Anderson says that she is considering pursuing a future in interior or graphic design for college to continue living out her passion.