The Long Wait for Thanksgiving Break

November 16, 2021
We don’t get a full week off because our school has an amount of days that we need to be in school for and only a certain amount of days we can have off, so we get out in May because if we were to take a full week off we would more than likely extend our school year until June. Even though three months doesn’t feel like it’s that long and some days it feel like they’re going by fast at the same time Thanksgiving break feels like it takes forever to get here.
Thanksgiving break is much needed because we all can agree that school is stressful and being here almost everyday for hours and on top of that not leaving until later at night because of after school activities and sports can be tiring and sometimes you just need a break. This break is one that some of us count down for because it’s the first break of the year and one that we take advantage of to recharge, catch up on work, and spend some time with our friends and family. Personally, as well as others wish this break was longer than just three days plus the weekend but there is a way we can get an extra day added to our break which is the tree and wreath fundraiser.
The tree and wreath fundraiser is one that Holy Family does every year and if we meet our goal we get can extra day off that is added to our Thanksgiving break but if we don’t then we all have to come to school on Monday and have a Tiger Day. A Tiger Day is where we have all eight classes and have to bring both of our heavy backpacks. The three years I’ve been at Holy Family I haven’t had to have a Tiger Day but I’ve heard it isn’t fun and is worse than just having a regular school day on a Monday after break. There is a lot of benefits from this fundraiser because if you sell ten wreaths than you can get a spirit day on Wednesday’s and Friday’s while the rest of the school has to wear their uniforms. Another benefit is if you sell them you are contributing to meeting the goal and getting us the Monday off after Thanksgiving.
Luckily this year we met our goal for the tree and wreath fundraiser and now we get the Monday off after Thanksgiving and I can’t wait for the much needed break.