November’s Pet of the Month: Toby Dang

Chinwe Onwere, Staff Writer/Editor

Dogs – they are human’s best friends. Even though they sometimes chew your precious items up and even take a bathroom break on your rug, there is no denying that having a dog can bring joy in your life that can’t be found anywhere else!

For November Pet of the Month, we have dog Toby Dang, who is Heiley Dang’s adorable pet! Here’s all the facts you need to know about Toby.

Q. What is the breed of your dog?

A. “Toby is a purebred Maltese. Fortunately, he doesn’t fit into the “crusty white dog” stereotype since I meticulously groom and bathe him with Pantene every Sunday.”

 Q. How old is your dog?

A. “Toby’s currently 7 years old and will be celebrating his 8th birthday on Valentine’s Day.”

 Q. What is your dog’s favorite thing to do?

A. “Alongside terrorizing everyone (but me) he meets; he enjoys eating the medium to rare steak my dad feeds him for dinner, taking naps with me, and going on car rides.”

 Q. What is your favorite memory with you and your dog?

A. “It’s never a dull moment with a generically named dog, but I think my favorite memories are of him attacking my parents whenever they’d yell at me. Toby and I basically grew up together and he came into my life after my grandpa passed, so we’ve definitely been as thick as thieves. I don’t think I actually have a favorite memory because every moment I spend with him becomes a favorite memory. (I also have a really bad memory)”

Q. What is your dog’s personality like? Any strange quirks?

A. “Toby takes after his mother (me) when it comes to his personality traits and quirks. He’s very aggressive to everyone that comes into our home, but knows how to be respectful and is nice to people when he goes to their homes instead. Toby’s very mean but makes a strange exception to the people that shower him with affection. Despite his cruel behavior, Toby loves hard when necessary. His personality is not a fan favorite when it comes to other dogs however, since he has no friends due to the fact that he excessively tries to hump or attack every dog he meets. Toby does not understand platonic relationships well. Also, he’s always had this weird thing where he sticks his tongue out for long periods of time and doggy paddles when you pick him up.”

What a cutie Toby is! Submit your pets in the coming months in order for them to be featured!