Boys Golf: Bobblehead Invitational
October 4, 2021
Many would agree that Holy Family is a school where traditions are familiar. This is true in both the classroom and athletics. The Bobblehead Invitational is an annual boys golf tournament hosted by Holy Family at the Broadlands Golf Course, and is probably one of the only events where the boys are likely to wear swim trunks instead of golf shorts.
Boys golf coach Will Wilson explains why this tournament is different from the rest. He says, “It’s in what we call the high school golf silly season in between Regionals and State. For some people, it’s just a fun opportunity to play in one last tournament, and for other people it’s a serious tune up for the State tournament. ”
On sunny September 28th, 21 different schools brought players to compete in the Bobblehead Invitational. There were 88 competitors in the varsity tournament, and 24 in the JV tournament.
Sophomore Drake Krommenhoek shot 75 and had the top Holy Family score. Talan Gover from Monarch and Will Balliet from Riverdale Ridge both shot a 71, and tied for first place.
“I enjoy the community atmosphere we try to make by providing snacks and beverages for the teams that we host” explains Mr. Wilson, “It’s fun to give away bobblehead trophies at the end because people seem to really like that.”
The Bobblehead Invite was a great way to end the season for many, but the next stop is state. Best of luck to Ben Achziger, Rudi Heitz, Dustin Fouts, and Drake Krommenhoek who will be competing in state at Spring Valley Golf Club in Elizabeth on October 4th and 5th. Go Tigers!