Wisdomous Wednesdays and the Words Zach Left Behind

Abby Edwards, Staff Writer/Editor

Before Fun Fact Fridays, morning announcements sounded a little different a few years ago. From years 2014 to 2017, the students of Holy Family High School lives were different considering a certain classmate. Long before many of us were students walking Holy Family’s halls, an extremely talented and smart student named Zach Canaday attended here.

If you ask anyone that was able to meet Zach when he went here, they will tell you about his light-heartedness, intelligence and humility in all that he did. He had so much, that many people around him had no idea he was battling brain cancer all four years of high school.

At nine years old, after a little league football practice, Zach was taken to the hospital for a stomach ache. Soon after Zach was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a rare type brain cancer.

Zach battled through hundreds of treatments for the next year then finally entered into remission about a year and a half later. He stayed cancer free and healthy for the next five years, while still having yearly checks. At 15 years old, he went into Children’s hospital in relief of getting his 5-year cancer survivor pin, but the tides changed. At that check up, he was informed of the cancer coming back, and this time not only in his brain.

At 15 years old and just starting his sophomore year at Holy Family, Zach’s situation was now extremely unique. For the next four years balancing classes, treatment and golf, Zach did it all with more than just grace. Zach finished at the top part of his class, was awarded homecoming king, and was admired by everyone in the school.

Last Saturday on September 25th, Zach unfortunately passed after battling with brain and spine cancer for 8 years. After travelling across the country for treatments, as well as personal leisure, Zach touched and influenced everyone around him.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” -Bernard M. Baruch