Spirit Days are important because they encourage school spirit and unity but as rare as they are, they are also not announced in an effective way.
One of the primary ways it is announced is through Instagram. Although it is a popular social media platform, there are some students who do not have it, thus being left out of Spirit Days since they are not getting the announcement.
Spirit Days have also been announced during passing period. This also results as a problem because during passing period the hallways are loud with students passing and talking trying to get to their class which results in the miscommunication of Spirit Days or any other important announcements.
For instance, the Spirit Day celebrating the Boys Soccer team’s victory in the State Championship was announced the day before during the passing period between 2nd and 3rd block. Many students who were in the commons barely heard the announcement due to the hustle of getting to lunch.
Spirit Days are a privilege meant to be enjoyable and inclusive for the whole school. However, the current communication system is not the best and could be improved so that everyone can hear about Spirit Days.
A potential solution is to send out an email to all the students and teachers. This ensures that everyone receives the news of Spirit Day thus allowing everyone to be a part of it. Another solution that has been used is to announce Spirit Days during the announcements at the start of second block. The only complication with this is that if a student is absent, they will not hear about it on the day it is announced.
Through this, the school spirit can thrive with everyone taking part in the enjoyment of not having to wear a uniform for a day.