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Test Optional vs. Test Required

Test Optional vs. Test Required

The SAT and ACT debate

After the Coronavirus pandemic many colleges and universities became test-optional. Now some colleges and universities are going back to requiring SAT and ACT scores.

The Ivy League Universities are some of the schools going back to requiring SAT and ACT scores. It makes sense for these schools to require these because they are prestigious schools that are hard to get into. Good scores are beneficial to anyone applying to these schools, raising their chances of getting in.

Although it makes sense to require scores for the Ivy League schools, test optional is a better compromise because not many people are good test takers although they may be very smart. Through this compromise those who are good test takers can submit their scores for a little more of an advantage in applying but it doesn’t hurt someone if they don’t submit, especially if they do not have good scores.

If one submits bad scores it will only hurt them and not help them in anyway. This is why test optional is a good system because it is beneficial to students mental health and many who are not the best test takers can profit from it.

Required tests can hurt students mental health because it causes a lot of anxiety and stress especially if a student is striving for good scores and is a bad test taker. Many students take these tests Junior year making it a hard year on top of AP’s and other things. This can cause a very stressful year for many Junior’s affecting both grades and relationships.

That is why I think colleges should remain test optional so that if there are people who are good test takers can take the opportunity and maybe help their chances of admission but for those who are not, they should have the option to not submit their scores.


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