Red light therapy has become more and more popular in the United States. People use it for various different reasons and use see real results. Red light therapy was created by Endre Mester back in the 1960’s. Master was a Hungarian physician who was doing experiments on rats. While doing these experiments on the rats with red lights they saw results of faster hair growth and faster healing of wounds. This then sparked an idea in their head that maybe it could do the same thing for humans. Although there isn’t a ton of science backing red light therapy there is many research studies that have been done showing clinically proven and tested results. These studies have shown that red light therapy can help with pain, inflammation, blood circulation, quicker healing of wounds, skin conditions, build collagen, hair growth, acne, and more vibrant skin. It is great a building college which helps get rid of stretch marks as well and can get rid of and fade scars.
As well as treating these common skin conditions red light therapy has also been shown to help with things like wrinkles and psoriasis. The red light builds up collagen within the skin which then helps the skin repair its self faster, causing fine lines and wrinkles to go away.
As these studies have came out more and more products have come out to give the public access to red light therapy. Red light can be categorized until many other names. For example low level red light, soft laser therapy, cold laser therapy, bio stimulation, photonics stimulation, and low power laser therapy. Healthline.org says “This red light exposure may produce a positive biochemical effect in your cells that strengthens the mitochondria, which is where the cell’s energy is created. RLT may do this by increasingTrusted Sourcethe transportation of electrons, oxygen consumption, and your levels of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).”
Many companies have made red light products trying to push it out into the world. The most common type of red light product on the market is red light face masks. This is a mask that fastens to your face that you wear for a period of time. These are very popular because you can you it whenever you want, however you want, and in the comfort of your own home. The next most common type is full body red light booths. These typically have florescent red light bulbs that surround the whole body. Some tanning and wellness places will have these booths as well as red light facilities. Some specialized gyms even have red light treadmills that have red light throughout the legs while you are on the treadmill. As these become more popular they have made more affordable handheld forms of red light to make it easier and more convenient to use.