Welcome back to another Fat Man Review and as we are nearing the day that makes the world momentarily stop disliking gingers/the Irish and for some reason actually like the color green. And to honor the most entertaining holiday of Saint Patrick’s day where all of the parents get together and disappear until four in the morning today we will be going over an item that is the most staple of the holiday.
And to get this item we will be going to a place that has more nicknames than healthy food items, Micky D’s, to get their Holy Grail shake- THE SHAMROCK SHAKE.
Now when I say this is a review that isn’t supposed to mean that I have never tried it or it is like some obscure thing like a salad that no one has ever tried but I am simply going over a top-tier shake year in and year out.
So while we were in the middle of a nice little snowstorm I pack my fat-butt in the car and drove down and picked this bad boy up. It was so popular however (or the workers were just lazy) that I had to go to three different locations in order to get it. Luckily I live in Denver where you can’t go five blocks without seeing a dons.
But now that I got it is time to try and describe the work of art that is the McDonald’s Shamrock Shake.
Now the first taste you get is the creamy shake taste that you get from basic soft serve ice cream. Then comes the fresh mint flavor which is an amaing accent. Now I am not a big mint guy, especially in ice cream. Like I dont usually eat the chocolate chip mint because although it tastes good you have the classics like strawberry, normal chocolate, and escpecially oreo/cookies and cream that give it some real tough compition.
However even with the tough compition this shake is actually really good, also even with the recent cost raises for Mics it is still relatively low with a medium shake and a large unsweet tea costing only six dollars after tax.
The only thing that I can see people not liking about this shake is that it has the steortypical soft serve as they would prefer it “fresh” but that little hit of flavors is something that actually helps it in my opinion.
But much like Christmas and peppermint, since its the season of the gingers that means mint and green will rain supreme.