The outdoor brand Patagonia was founded by Yvon Chouinard back in 1973. He started this high quality outdoor brand known for its high quality climbing gear. Although climbing gear was where the brand started they also sell things across all categories. They are well known for their clothing for men, women, and children as well as selling outdoor gear like tents, blankets, and water bottles.
The brand quickly took off after it was created and quickly grew bigger and bigger each year. The brand is now sold in many types of stores such as REI, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Jax’s, and other stores nationwide. The name Patagonia also describes the native tribes which is where their name came from.
Yvon Chouinard was a climber himself and and environmentalist. This is how he got the inspiration to make his own climbing brand. He began by making reusable climbing pitons and making his own climbing knick knacks to make his climbing experience better. These homemade pitons were not only more durable but they also reduced damage to the rocks and the surrounding land. This helps better the earth and protects the earths surface. Allowing more people to climb and enjoy the land that the earth gives us. Once the brand reached the stores it expanded into its clothing side and became an even more fashionable brand. As they expanded they chose to focus on durability, functionality, and environmental responsibility. Yvon believed the best way to go around making products is to create products that would last, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste. Many reviews have shared that they Patagonia gear lasts them years longer than outdoor clothing from any other brand. Many people shared that although it can be expensive, it is overall worth it because of how long it lasts and the purpose it serves to them.
The brand is very committed to reducing its environmental impact and often leads initiatives for sustainability and conversation. Their slogan is “Don’t buy new if you can reuse”. They also use recycled materials which reduces their carbon footprint, as well as implementing fair labor practices throughout their supply chain. However their commitment to the environment goes beyond their products. They actively engage in environmental advocacies like supporting causes like protecting public lands, fighting climate change, and promoting sustainable business practices. They even launched their “Worn Wear” program which encourages you to repair and reuse your clothing and reusing their own gear instead of buying it new, protecting the environment even more each day.
Patagonia’s commitment to helping out the planet has earned them the loyalty by many outdoor enthusiasts who share the same values as them. This helps them to spread their message and spread their brand throughout the country, even internationally.